Saturday, January 9, 2010

Washington DC retardation now extends to public servants.

Washington DC police can arrest a woman in any area they’ve declared prostitution free zone. And in a backasswards move to curb prostitution, carrying more than two condoms is considered proof of intention to prostitute.

Maybe it's only me but does it seem like every step taking by anyone of any power in Washington is retarded? Any woman can be arrested for carrying more than one condom and charged with prostitution... Don't condoms come in packs of three? It must be the DC air because anyone associated with there seems to be wholly incapable of rational thought. This no longer just includes the politicians but it seems to go on the affect the police. This is one place where a mutiny really needs to be considered. Aren't police officers in DC having enough of a buttscrew trying to keep the public safe in the sewers that call themselves the Washington DC streets? My god can it get any more stupid there.

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