"If you don't like to read you are at least 33% dumber than your average reading counter-part." Anonymous
This article may anger some readers vut i doubt it. The whole point of this object is to talk bad about people who don't like to read, so there is little chance that those opposed to my rant will be reading this, after all they don't like to read. All win for me. (heheh)
At the risk of losing many readers (i have about 11 now, woohoo!) i need to say a little about myself.
1. I am black.
2. I am poor black.
3. I have now and have always lived in the "hood".
Why would that make me think i would lose readers? (see 1, 2 and 3 above.)
I am the first to admit that there is allot of idiocy going on in the ghetto's of America, not to say this isn't true for every economic/racial area in America, but the ghetto has it almost on auto-pilot. Now there are many smart and impressive individuals that are poor and black and living in the "hood" but we are not by any chance the majority. I bet you think that is racist, right? Well let me take this opportunity to explain why i stand behind my proclamations.
I know allot of you are saying, "I read online all the time." emails chat and all of that don't count, cause duh.
Most of us in the ghetto don't read. I don't mean online, i mean real-world. But i do thank GOD for the internet because it made many people i love and want to see get more worldly and a less ghetto, read. Reading is essential. I am not talking to illiterate individuals because they can't read so it would be hard for me to talk to them through this blog wouldn't it now?
Here is my Theory on the importance of leisure reading.
The most important way to gain wisdom is through experience. With that said, there are only 3 basic ways to gain experience...
1. Do a thing.
2. Witness a thing.
3. Learn of a thing from a witness.
Now 1 and 2 are very limited by default, you can only do or witness so many things. There are many reasons why this is true but the main reason is that you are human and limited to only be in one place at a time to do or witness things. But number 3 is different and designed by default to be used as a tool to work around number 1 and 2.
Number 3 comes with its own list of tools to accomplish itself. You can hear a story about a thing in many ways from media to word of mouth. You can also learn about a thing in books, books can give you more experiences in shorter time than any of the other tools used to gain experience. With reading you can experience things that it is physical, economically or chronologically impossible for you to experience any other way. Almost a gift from GOD is reading.
So that is why i say that "If you hate reading there is a high probability that you are an idiot". It breaks my heart to know that the secrets to everything is in books and we as blacks and specifically as poor blacks don't use this "great equalizing tool" more. Reading levels are bad everywhere but i am speaking specifically to people in my same areas, economic and geographically.
Reading is the answer to poverty, disease, love, everything that humans have ever gone through regularly, experiece and wisdom, is some where written down. The famous people that you look up to now and in history usually write down the road and things they did to achieve what ever it is that they achieved. Books can can very easily show you how to change your particular situation.
Reading Books can make you rich.
Reading Books can solve your problems.
Reading Books can fix your car and fix your other problems.
Need i say more? If you can add a thing to that short list that books can't do or fix, i can promise you that whoever you get to fix or do it learned it from books. The same books you can learn it from. Why do so many choose not too> I can answer for my peeps... Excuses and reasons are opposite sides of the same coin, and we choose the excuse disguised and accepted as reason path.
Fight Idiocy, Read More. Husla3x (super-genius) Post for a friend.
Fat loss for Idiots.
"Allot"? Really!?
You meant "a lot". 2 words. A lot.
This is why i have an idiot blog. Thanks for pointing out i am not a writer if the blog wasn't enough of a hint.
This is like suppossed to be a rant blog not a spelling or grammar test. What the hell is wrong with you people?
you meant to exhale out of your mouth, that's a PHYSICAL ACTION dude you don't TYPE IT OUT
vincent - sweet post man - I have always been in and out of reading regularly but it always seems to expose you to a lot of new possible connections and more connections means more possibilities!
oh shit man! i didn't capitalize sentences or properly punctuate!
well,, all i know is if your target audience is idiots,,, you caught you one first time out when you met up with seetwist,,, here......
i love to read,, but will admit i spend a lot more time online than i do in a good book anymore.......
hilarious add me to your readers!! lol
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