Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is McDonalds negligent and liable in their drive-thru design?

"McDonalds is supposed to be fun not dangerous".

I have been blogging about this for 2 years since after i was almost ran down by a driver looking in their bag leaving the drive-thru window at Mcdonalds. That was the third time i was almost injured in this manner. I took a picture to help you better understand the danger.

As you can notice in the picture, there is no control method or safety precautions other than bars on top of the small exit gate. With text messaging and inadvertant drivers preoccupied with their orders, this is a fatality waiting to happen.

Also notice that there is less than 10 feet to catch yourself driving before you hit a person leaving mcdonalds. Also there is no stop gap between the drive-through lane and the exit. I have half a mind to file a suit before someones kids get hurt or killed. McDonald's is supposed to be fun not dangerous. Here's what happened to me, twice.

I got my food and exited McDonald's.

I went through the door and prepared to walk across the "parking" lot to my car. At the exact same time a mom was pulling off from the drive thru window with her food. She checks her order forgetting to come to a complete stop. We meet after 10 feet at the door. Luckily i was only minor injured, but should McDonald's wait until someone is more seriously injured or killed before they take preventative action?

To make matters worse i wrote to McDonald's to see if they would replace my dropped Ipod Touch's screen (i dropped it when i jumped (nearly dived) back out of the way of the car. The driver kept driving as the drive through is designed for. I have still not heard from McDonalds. I thought my warning about the design and experience would make them act a bit better, actually any better at all. I was wrong.

That is why McDonalds is on My blog "The complete guide to living with idiots" because we have to.

And McDonalds if you are reading this you can make it right by changing the way you operate your drive-throughs or getting my information and sending me a new Ipod Touch. My email address is

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Scientific Fact: If you hate reading there is a high probability that you are an idiot.

"If you don't like to read you are at least 33% dumber than your average reading counter-part." Anonymous

This article may anger some readers vut i doubt it. The whole point of this object is to talk bad about people who don't like to read, so there is little chance that those opposed to my rant will be reading this, after all they don't like to read. All win for me. (heheh)

At the risk of losing many readers (i have about 11 now, woohoo!) i need to say a little about myself.

1. I am black.

2. I am poor black.

3. I have now and have always lived in the "hood".

Why would that make me think i would lose readers? (see 1, 2 and 3 above.)

I am the first to admit that there is allot of idiocy going on in the ghetto's of America, not to say this isn't true for every economic/racial area in America, but the ghetto has it almost on auto-pilot. Now there are many smart and impressive individuals that are poor and black and living in the "hood" but we are not by any chance the majority. I bet you think that is racist, right? Well let me take this opportunity to explain why i stand behind my proclamations.

I know allot of you are saying, "I read online all the time." emails chat and all of that don't count, cause duh.

Most of us in the ghetto don't read. I don't mean online, i mean real-world. But i do thank GOD for the internet because it made many people i love and want to see get more worldly and a less ghetto, read. Reading is essential. I am not talking to illiterate individuals because they can't read so it would be hard for me to talk to them through this blog wouldn't it now?

Here is my Theory on the importance of leisure reading.

The most important way to gain wisdom is through experience. With that said, there are only 3 basic ways to gain experience...

1. Do a thing.

2. Witness a thing.

3. Learn of a thing from a witness.

Now 1 and 2 are very limited by default, you can only do or witness so many things. There are many reasons why this is true but the main reason is that you are human and limited to only be in one place at a time to do or witness things. But number 3 is different and designed by default to be used as a tool to work around number 1 and 2.

Number 3 comes with its own list of tools to accomplish itself. You can hear a story about a thing in many ways from media to word of mouth. You can also learn about a thing in books, books can give you more experiences in shorter time than any of the other tools used to gain experience. With reading you can experience things that it is physical, economically or chronologically impossible for you to experience any other way. Almost a gift from GOD is reading.

So that is why i say that "If you hate reading there is a high probability that you are an idiot". It breaks my heart to know that the secrets to everything is in books and we as blacks and specifically as poor blacks don't use this "great equalizing tool" more. Reading levels are bad everywhere but i am speaking specifically to people in my same areas, economic and geographically.

Reading is the answer to poverty, disease, love, everything that humans have ever gone through regularly, experiece and wisdom, is some where written down. The famous people that you look up to now and in history usually write down the road and things they did to achieve what ever it is that they achieved. Books can can very easily show you how to change your particular situation.

Reading Books can make you rich.

Reading Books can solve your problems.

Reading Books can fix your car and fix your other problems.

Need i say more? If you can add a thing to that short list that books can't do or fix, i can promise you that whoever you get to fix or do it learned it from books. The same books you can learn it from. Why do so many choose not too> I can answer for my peeps... Excuses and reasons are opposite sides of the same coin, and we choose the excuse disguised and accepted as reason path.

Fight Idiocy, Read More. Husla3x (super-genius) Post for a friend.

Fat loss for Idiots.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Man Caught Cheating. Surprise Ending.

A Man and Woman were having dinner at a very expensive restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big open mouthed kiss, then says she'll see him later and walks away. The wife glares at her husband and says, "Who the Fxck was that?"

"Who? Her," replies the husband, "that's my mistress."

"Well, that's it you bastard," says the wife. "I've had enough of your crap, I want a divorce! Now!!!"

"I can understand how you feel," replies her husband, "but remember, if we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Gucci, no more winters in the islands, no more summers in Tuscany, no more Infiniti or Mercedes in the garage and no more yachting at the club. But the decision is entirely up to you." Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babe on his arm.

"Who's that woman with Jim?" asks the wife.

"That's his mistress," says her husband.

"Ours is prettier," she replies.

Thanks to Peter Sanders for this very funny joke.

Breakup Advice .org

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hillbilly Joke. Short and funny.

Two hillbillies are walking down different ends of a street toward each other, and one is carrying a sack. When they meet, one says, "Hey Tommy Ray, what'cha got in th' bag?"

"Jus' some chickens."

If I guesses how many they are, can I have one?"

"Shoot, if ya guesses right and I'll give you both of them."

"OK. Ummmmm...five?"

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Reinventing losers for 5 years and change.

Broken Up Recently? Has your love tossed you away because you were a moron or some other reason? Do you want to convince them to give you another chance to prove you are not an idiot? Do You Desperately Want To Get Back Together And Have One Last Shot At It?

Who gets the hot girls? The most convincing word smith that's who.

Well You need to try the people over at Break up Advice, they have catalogged and sorted through the best of the best of reasons and ways to convince anyone to give anyone one last chance. These guys could get congress to forgive Richard Nixon. If Clinton would have visited this website he could have cut hilary's angry time in half. These guys are the best at convincing others to give you another chance.

Here's How To MAXIMIZE Your Chances Of Winning Your Ex Back And Get Your Relationship Back On The Right Track By Keeping Them Craving More! This works an astonishing 90% of the time. Doesn't matter whether you are white, black, jew or gentile, breakup Advice will have you back in the arms, bed, mind and life of your ex.

Are you sure losing them was not a blessing in disguise? Do you really, really need them to forgive you for a mistake?

If you ARE sure that this IS the path that you want to take. And you REALLY want to know how to MAXIMIZE your chances of winning your EX back, then Visit

We are not responsible for future idiotic behavior, we just get you in the door, the rest is up to you.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Warning: Don't answer that email from Google Mail!

Beware of the Google Mail Email going around about suspending accounts. I am in awe at the brazzeness of the scam email sender that decide to bring this old faithful scam.

Don't answer the email. Mark it as spam and send it to the spam folder. They are trying to gain access to your account. They will take that information and use it to do whatever they can do with it. Google would never ask for your information like that. This feels flaky, Google messages don't feel flakey. Toss this email out.

For those who have yet to recieve this email from Gmail (google mail) Here it is in its entirety.

"THIS Email is from Gmail Customer Care and we are sending it to every Gmail Email User Accounts Owner for safety. we are having congestions due to the anonymous registration of Gmail accounts so we are shutting down some Gmail accounts and your account was among those to be deleted.We are sending you this email so that you can verify and let us know if you still want to use this account.If you are still interested please confirm your account by filling the space below.Your User name,password,date of birth and your country information would be needed to verify your account. Due to the congestion in all Gmail users and removal of all unused Gmail Accounts, Gmail would be shutting down all unused Accounts, You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Information below after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended within 24 hours for security reasons.

* User name:

* Password:

* Date of Birth:

* Country Or Territory:

After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences. Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently"

Of course this is all an attempt to get your information.

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