If you are over the age of 16 you remember the hoopla surrounding the whole computer glitch, Armageddon laced, global event that was Y2K. You may even still have a part of the water and batteries you tucked away to insure that you and your loved ones (I love that advertising gem "and your loved ones") I am sure that term has sold more trend products than "as seen on tv" and "if you act now" put together. i remember how it seemed like everyone had a solid opinion, one way or the other, about what would befall us, society and our loved ones at 11:59pm on Dec 31, 1999. Looking back it all seems crazy but at the time Y2K was a certified, bonafide, full fledged global event. But everything compared, Y2K ain't got nothin' on Y212.
It may take another year or so to start building the fever pitched desperation laced last months before Y2K hit but Y212 will be coming to a masked panic filled society near you. There are even several websites dedicated to giving you the truth about 2012 (let them tell it) This laid back, calmly spoken of date with potential global annihilation on Dec 21, 2012 (which by the way is 2-1-1-2-2-1-2 - which has to mean you will die in binary) will be much worst and create far more panic than Y2K could ever have hoped to cause. Let us look at the ingredients of a good, society hindering, mass panic producing event.
I am no scientist but I think I have at least a masters degree on me and knowing what makes me scared. I am scared of not many things and the majority of those are things that happen to others (and my loved ones - I love that line) like my wife or kids. I am only scared of a few personal things like centipedes or something else that isn't really scary just ookie. I never have really been scared of things you can't help or that happen to everyone, this is why I will never be scared of 2012. I may prepare for it if it seems like there is a need to, but I couldn't join in a mass panic even if I saw UFO's barreling towards me all ray guns a-blazin.
Random Mass Death
I guess to have any Looming disaster worth it's weight you need a fair amount of random death which Y2K never really had beyond a few planes crashing into each other. Why do pilots even attend Flight school if they can't fly planes without computers? Y212 on the other hand has random mass death by the truck loads, meteors, asteroids, tidal waves, nuclear explosions, human eating or enslaving aliens, hurricanes, religious revenge, volcanic eruptions, plagues, viruses and about 100 others.
The Unknown
You need a bit of the old Unknown also to get the old panic juices flowing. This is another thing Y2K did not seem to have, we all knew what was going to happen on Dec 31, 2011 at 11:59pm, computers were gonna shut down. I shut my computer down often and nothing bad ever happens beyond having to bring a lunch to reboot good old reliable (laughs) windows. This is not the case with Y212. Y212 has so much unknown as to have the potential to change the entire population. No one knows what is going to happen and as long as they are thinking about it, imaginations will go wild, which by the way is another ingredient in Mass panic situations.
I have asked many people how they felt about the whole Y212 2012 thing, were they worried? and no one seems that concerned but and still everyone has at least something to say beyond the yes or no required. Just ask anyone and see if a conversation doesn't start. Look it up on google or yahoo answers and you get things like these...
The Light hearted
So far I've heard Jesus is returning, the earth's polarity is changing, the moon's polarity is changing and aliens are attacking. Looks like it's gonna be a very busy year.
The scientific Preachy
I don't really understand where all the fear is coming from. The Mayans Calendar, which is not predicting the end of the world in 2012, but the start of a new era on December 21st, 2012. The year 2012 marks the end of the "Great Cycle." When it came to mathematics, time and calendars, the Maya were geniuses. Believing that time repeated itself in cycles.
The complete Nut-Job
The planets will all line up and the net gravitational effect will fling the earth either to the far reaches of space or into the sun. This one has been around for awhile now believe it or not.
Whatever you believe, think or theorize does not matter the eight of an atom in the scheme of thing. We are all too human and our imagination while a bit slower to go into hyper-drive as adults than they were as children, we still have them and they will soon be working overtime. Y212 (2012) promises to be a year to think about and if all goes well remember. I don't know what will happen in Y212 but I know what won't. Normalcy.
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