I can't understand who would ever market this and even more who would buy it... But coming from a time when people use to risk cancer to check for shoe size... It makes a sort of sense.
The guide to living and co-existing with the idiot minions. How to survive a category four stupidity storm without losing IQ points. Family and friends included. Politics, economy, family, kids, friends, relationships. If you have an interesting Idiot story send it to us and we will be glad to put it on the idiot blog. We need all the help we can get because the idiots are taking over.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Most Retarded Toy Ever!!
This has to be the most retarded toy I have ever seen in my whole entire life. I know that the word retarded is not supposed to be spoken in modern day America but there is no other word that more aptly describes this toy.
I can't understand who would ever market this and even more who would buy it... But coming from a time when people use to risk cancer to check for shoe size... It makes a sort of sense.
I can't understand who would ever market this and even more who would buy it... But coming from a time when people use to risk cancer to check for shoe size... It makes a sort of sense.
Friday, December 17, 2010
What If GOD told you to kill. could you refuse? Simple Islam.
There are millions of people walking the earth who hear voices in their head. These individuals can be potentially dangerous but aren't always psychopaths waiting for their next instructions from the voice in their heads, but many are. What is there were a people who all heard these voices? What if an entire nation believes that the voice in their head was GOD, and he was instructing them to take the lives of any warranted or thought to be non-believers? What if the voices in the heads of these people promised rewards, great rewards for completing the ordered objectives?
Well sorry to inform you but there is, they do and it does. That's basically whats behind the entire terrorism fiasco we find ourselves and our country in.
God's wishes are a extremely difficult thing to ignore if you truly believe they are indeed God's wishes.
Hitler convinced a nation to turn a blind eye and even commit heinous crimes on a national level and the result was nazi Germany. Hitler was only a human being, Imagine the evil deeds a God could rage. If i got it in my head from the time I was born until the time I was old enough to pitch in, that God wanted me to do a thing and promised me the VIP section in heaven for doing the thing, I would do the thing. No pauses, no doubts, no mercy..
Jihad is basically the implementation of Muslim Gods wishes that his believers go out and actively make the world a more decent place. In the muslim religion killing infidels (non-muslims) puts you in (muslim gods) good graces. The muslim world wishes all Americans dead, it is written. Why do they want us dead? Thats a very complicated and yet surprisingly simple question. They want us dead because they believe that their GOD wishes it so. How could you deny a thing you have truly thought to be true your entire life? Christians believe Christ died for their sins, muslims believe Americans are turning the world into a cesspool with its pornography and totally me attitude. I love America but I also know that we are in a time we have never faced before, or have we? There was that whole spanish inquisition thing and those witch hunts. We as humans just seem to take turns thinking up emotional ways to wipe each other out and judge.
I have tried to understand the reasons the Muslim world gives beyond the Koran teachings but I still can't figure out how a God of love can also be the source of so much hate? I understand the whole American Ways arguement because I have a daughter and No I would not want her being best friends with the lose immoral girl at her school but that is nothing to kill over, at least to my thinking..
There is much much more than my brief ramblings offer up but I am a simple man (aren't we all, unaware or aware?) I am simple, I think God should be loving and forgiving. But a loving person against a murderous person usually loses, I hate to lose.
I just wanted to add a more mainstream perspective to the whole terrorism thing. I hope I accomplished that.
The Prophet Non-Prophet Guest writing here.
2012 Uncovered
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Monday, December 6, 2010
Y2K ain't got nothin' on 2012 - Y212 Ingredients of a national panic attack.

If you are over the age of 16 you remember the hoopla surrounding the whole computer glitch, Armageddon laced, global event that was Y2K. You may even still have a part of the water and batteries you tucked away to insure that you and your loved ones (I love that advertising gem "and your loved ones") I am sure that term has sold more trend products than "as seen on tv" and "if you act now" put together. i remember how it seemed like everyone had a solid opinion, one way or the other, about what would befall us, society and our loved ones at 11:59pm on Dec 31, 1999. Looking back it all seems crazy but at the time Y2K was a certified, bonafide, full fledged global event. But everything compared, Y2K ain't got nothin' on Y212.
It may take another year or so to start building the fever pitched desperation laced last months before Y2K hit but Y212 will be coming to a masked panic filled society near you. There are even several websites dedicated to giving you the truth about 2012 (let them tell it) This laid back, calmly spoken of date with potential global annihilation on Dec 21, 2012 (which by the way is 2-1-1-2-2-1-2 - which has to mean you will die in binary) will be much worst and create far more panic than Y2K could ever have hoped to cause. Let us look at the ingredients of a good, society hindering, mass panic producing event.
I am no scientist but I think I have at least a masters degree on me and knowing what makes me scared. I am scared of not many things and the majority of those are things that happen to others (and my loved ones - I love that line) like my wife or kids. I am only scared of a few personal things like centipedes or something else that isn't really scary just ookie. I never have really been scared of things you can't help or that happen to everyone, this is why I will never be scared of 2012. I may prepare for it if it seems like there is a need to, but I couldn't join in a mass panic even if I saw UFO's barreling towards me all ray guns a-blazin.
Random Mass Death
I guess to have any Looming disaster worth it's weight you need a fair amount of random death which Y2K never really had beyond a few planes crashing into each other. Why do pilots even attend Flight school if they can't fly planes without computers? Y212 on the other hand has random mass death by the truck loads, meteors, asteroids, tidal waves, nuclear explosions, human eating or enslaving aliens, hurricanes, religious revenge, volcanic eruptions, plagues, viruses and about 100 others.
The Unknown
You need a bit of the old Unknown also to get the old panic juices flowing. This is another thing Y2K did not seem to have, we all knew what was going to happen on Dec 31, 2011 at 11:59pm, computers were gonna shut down. I shut my computer down often and nothing bad ever happens beyond having to bring a lunch to reboot good old reliable (laughs) windows. This is not the case with Y212. Y212 has so much unknown as to have the potential to change the entire population. No one knows what is going to happen and as long as they are thinking about it, imaginations will go wild, which by the way is another ingredient in Mass panic situations.
I have asked many people how they felt about the whole Y212 2012 thing, were they worried? and no one seems that concerned but and still everyone has at least something to say beyond the yes or no required. Just ask anyone and see if a conversation doesn't start. Look it up on google or yahoo answers and you get things like these...
The Light hearted
So far I've heard Jesus is returning, the earth's polarity is changing, the moon's polarity is changing and aliens are attacking. Looks like it's gonna be a very busy year.
The scientific Preachy
I don't really understand where all the fear is coming from. The Mayans Calendar, which is not predicting the end of the world in 2012, but the start of a new era on December 21st, 2012. The year 2012 marks the end of the "Great Cycle." When it came to mathematics, time and calendars, the Maya were geniuses. Believing that time repeated itself in cycles.
The complete Nut-Job
The planets will all line up and the net gravitational effect will fling the earth either to the far reaches of space or into the sun. This one has been around for awhile now believe it or not.
Whatever you believe, think or theorize does not matter the eight of an atom in the scheme of thing. We are all too human and our imagination while a bit slower to go into hyper-drive as adults than they were as children, we still have them and they will soon be working overtime. Y212 (2012) promises to be a year to think about and if all goes well remember. I don't know what will happen in Y212 but I know what won't. Normalcy.
2012 Uncovered
What REALLY Will Happen?
Want to Live? - Find Out How...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Russia 's perfect plan to bankrupt America.
Sometimes i feel like I am the only one in America that thinks Communists may be behind the war America is in. I have many reasons why I think that this is at least a legitimate possibility is as follows.
1. As soon as the war started, all the Red countries leaders started being in the news verbally attacking America, Hugo Chavez, Cuba, China, Korea, Russia - everybody. Had not heard from them in years.
2. The countries we are at war with are all next to communist countries and more importantly russia. The Russian government has been dipping into these countries government for centuries.
It's like russia having a war with Canada or Mexico, no way in hell we letting that many enemy troops and equipment into either place. Take a look at the map and explain to me why anyone who doesn't even entertain the thought that I could be right is not an Idiot.
Also we have to remember that Ronald Reagan tricked the soviet union into bankruptcy, there is no way you can be that close to china and Japan (man its small) and not have a long memory and a desire for retribution. Remember how important payback is in that region, all karate movies start with payback or suicide. I'm just saying.
D. Harris
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We going to war against the oil spill! Idiots.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Homeland Security Advice: How to catch more criminals.
OK. Homeland Security is almost a joke on common sense.
Anyone with a television knows that criminals often times run for the border.
Anyone who has ever watched a thriller movie or watched a crime show in their live knows that criminals who live a good distance from the crime scene is likely, highly likely to head for a transportation provider to get back home or away.
So my question is this, How in the name of all that is holy did Homeland security allow a terrorist suspect known to authorities and homeland security buy a ticket, get through security and board a plane even after his name was on every list mandated by them, using that name none the less?
I am a poor black man from the ghetto of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I can't even rent a DVD or get pulled over by the police without my name popping up on a "apprehend" list for child support for me and my 30 year relationship wife's children for failure to pay child support for children who have lived with me all of their lives.
The can immediately recognize me as a person of interest but can't catch a known terrorist running around still using his real name. Maybe they should require that all terrorists they really want to catch should be accurately described bit also classified as black (we have many shaded) and owing the city money for tickets of child support. Seems like that would be a very productive little white lie, they lie so much anyway that should be absolutely no problem making so.
So here is my plan/idea to help homeland security catch more criminals like the New York bomber.
Mandate that all highly wanted criminals and terrorists be described as black and owing municipal fines. Works every-time. They always get their man.
Anyone with a television knows that criminals often times run for the border.
Anyone who has ever watched a thriller movie or watched a crime show in their live knows that criminals who live a good distance from the crime scene is likely, highly likely to head for a transportation provider to get back home or away.
So my question is this, How in the name of all that is holy did Homeland security allow a terrorist suspect known to authorities and homeland security buy a ticket, get through security and board a plane even after his name was on every list mandated by them, using that name none the less?
I am a poor black man from the ghetto of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I can't even rent a DVD or get pulled over by the police without my name popping up on a "apprehend" list for child support for me and my 30 year relationship wife's children for failure to pay child support for children who have lived with me all of their lives.
The can immediately recognize me as a person of interest but can't catch a known terrorist running around still using his real name. Maybe they should require that all terrorists they really want to catch should be accurately described bit also classified as black (we have many shaded) and owing the city money for tickets of child support. Seems like that would be a very productive little white lie, they lie so much anyway that should be absolutely no problem making so.
So here is my plan/idea to help homeland security catch more criminals like the New York bomber.
Mandate that all highly wanted criminals and terrorists be described as black and owing municipal fines. Works every-time. They always get their man.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Top 10 Reason Women Hate Women.

Women are natural born haters.
I know that is a big statement and some woman somewhere will send me an email with a picture of a stand alone cut off penis but... It's true. Women hate women.
So with that said I set out on a mission to find out why. I polled every woman I could find, on the subway, at the gym, walking sown the street and even lying naked in my bed, as to why woman hate women. I wanted to know if what I have observed my entire life was as universal as my life-long perceptions made it appear to be. Do women really not like other women and if so, why?
The answer I got most when asking this question of the women i molested with it on the streets of my fair city was this...
Top 10 Reasons Women Hate Women.
1. Women feel that other women can not be trusted.
2. Women gossip too much
3. Women start problems when bored
4. Women need to control every situation because they are all narcissistic to some (allot)
4. Women are phony
5. Women are trecherous
6. Women are Sneaky
7. Women will take your man
"Another woman would take your man and could give a crap that you love him or he has a family, she needs someone to fix her car, house, carry her bags, buy her things, etc. Never trust another woman too much with your man."
The above is an actual quote.
8. Women are too vindictive.
"I have a friend that would call her husbands new wife and say things just to get her mad at him so they would fight. Then she would come up with an excuse, kids, money, whatever to get him so see or talk to her and boost his ego. After a while she seduced him and set it up so the new wife would catch them. That's scandalous!
9. Women Lie
10.Women hate to see other women happy or when other women have something that they desire and can't have.
Don't send me emails about this post they are not my words, they were taken from random women in my city. I asked dozens of women the same question, Why do you think women do not like other women or out and out hate them?" I was never corrected and every woman had at least a partial answer after they told me that they don;t feel that way, but they all had at least one reason to add to my list.
D. Harris
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Washington + Politics + Politicians = IDIOTFEST 2K.10

I admit that I am but a *ghetto-suburb dwelling, lower income segregated life experienced black newly middle-aged bottom-tierd Milwaukee Wisconsin Blogger who isn't the most knowledgeable political analyst even on my block in the ghetto-suburbs of Milwaukee, but even I know that trying a terrorist suspect in an Urban setting is wrong on at least 2 very basic levels.
1. Why are we having civilian court trials for Military prisoners?
What the hell would make the supposedly smartest "socially" individuals in the country become so much more bigger idiots than usual and allow this to happen? Why isn't the President squashing this? Do you understand what type of world class high level enemies a big time Military accused terrorist prisoner would be aware watching and scheming on a criminal trial like this? There is no safe place to hold a trial like that other than a military base, that's the reason it should have stayed there.
2. Why would you subject innocent civilians to the off the charts danger potential of a fiasco like this?
I have told you who I am and maybe I missed a step that the privileged of the country are aware of. Maybe it makes perfect sense and I am just not knowledgable enough about the workings of the government to understand. Could be, but I know WAR like nobody reading this that isn't active in the ghetto street life or Actual War past or present. WAR is WAR and in WAR you look for weaknesses to exploit and the exploit them, each and everytime you can. Idiot washington, and the President in this, have to know that that trial will become a HUGE target at the time of the trial.
I am not saying that terrorists will attack the trial, I am saying that this trial would be a perfect 2nd attack for every possible reason imaginable. I could name millions but I will make it easy on myself and you by say ALL - All the reasons. Opportunity, desire to win, human nature, revenge, agenda all of them. I have seen retaliation all my life and when you are at war with another Person(s) you get them when the opportunity arises to save you and yours. Even on that bottom of the chain level it works. The WAR is a much higher level.
You have to see that Idiot Politicians.
Writers Rant: And then to get a trial you have to have the right to a trial. They gave terrorist, civilian rights. How idiot can you be? I mean coming from my place and experience in life I feel I just barely almost got those rights, and I ain't blowed up jack. But enough with that equality bit - after all the president is black. I as a black man in America can not wrap my head around that the most. How could he even defend this?
You have to have seen at least one cowboy movie where the sheriff arrests the gang leader and the members of his little gang shootup the town and citizens to get him back and they are no more than 5-10-20 the terrorists have millions. How can you secure a building in New york from terrorists who don't even want to survive? You would need to move the court to the middle of the dessert or the middle of an Army base..... AHA!!! Thats why it should be prosecuted by the Military.
And the towers were the biggest most difficult targets to get to, at least in the minds of the enemy. If you were them how hard would you see a small regular sized building in the heart of a packed urban area. They don't even have to rescue the guy all they have to do is strike at the building to shake up America.
If I was the leader of the terrorists, I sure as hell would send a few of my followers to to paradise just for the publicity. And attempt is as good as any other attempt, they don't even have to succeed to succeed. 1 middle eastern man with a gun in the courtroom hallway will make the news all month and the country will feel threatened anew. Yea I would do it. But I would do it big so I could get a bigger return for my bang. Get it, bang? I would for sure do it if the place i had to do it was not a military base full of trained soldiers. This has to be one of the most Idiot things I have ever seen or heard.
Husla3x (super-genius) My Blog
*Ghetto Suburb: The area surrounding the worst areas of any ghetto in America
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Washington DC retardation now extends to public servants.
Washington DC police can arrest a woman in any area they’ve declared prostitution free zone. And in a backasswards move to curb prostitution, carrying more than two condoms is considered proof of intention to prostitute.
Maybe it's only me but does it seem like every step taking by anyone of any power in Washington is retarded? Any woman can be arrested for carrying more than one condom and charged with prostitution... Don't condoms come in packs of three? It must be the DC air because anyone associated with there seems to be wholly incapable of rational thought. This no longer just includes the politicians but it seems to go on the affect the police. This is one place where a mutiny really needs to be considered. Aren't police officers in DC having enough of a buttscrew trying to keep the public safe in the sewers that call themselves the Washington DC streets? My god can it get any more stupid there.
Maybe it's only me but does it seem like every step taking by anyone of any power in Washington is retarded? Any woman can be arrested for carrying more than one condom and charged with prostitution... Don't condoms come in packs of three? It must be the DC air because anyone associated with there seems to be wholly incapable of rational thought. This no longer just includes the politicians but it seems to go on the affect the police. This is one place where a mutiny really needs to be considered. Aren't police officers in DC having enough of a buttscrew trying to keep the public safe in the sewers that call themselves the Washington DC streets? My god can it get any more stupid there.
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