Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Don't let the Black & White issues spoil racial profiling.

Tje powers that be should not let the problems between black people and white people in America spoil racial profiling. Racial profiling could be a great tool if used correctly. Why stop profiling now? It was perfectly fine when it was of no use what so ever.

What ever happened to common sense in America? For years we had black people getting stopped driving for being in the wrong neighborhood and we wasn't blowing up nothing. Now we have only muslems blowing up everything trying to kill everyone and doing it in the name of their GOD, how the hell do you talk a person out of doing something GOD told them to do? Craziest thing of all is it appears white people actually think you can. Why is white America always a minute late and a dollar short? Again, why the hell would you decide to stop actively racial profiling people at the only time in America's history it actually accomplishes something useful? I mean finding people with bombs intent on killing you and your family, friends and acquaintances? In any mind other than a white American mind that is far more important than trying to stop a colored boy from drink from a water fountain. Why abandon racial profiling now after so many years perfecting it? Simply replace black person with middle eastern person and it should all click. If the middle eastern community finds it offensive, so fricken what, we did not beg them to hate and covet to kill us? Hell us blacks hated it also but we dealt with it, they'll learn to do the same.

Husla3x (super-genius) is Admin of the blog Blackfriendonline.com click blog name to read more of his railing and ranting.

I personally find his view informative and entertaining and thank him for the great post.

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