What is it with White Hoods and racist zealots?
What is it with other countries and their willingness to kill themselves in a final act of destructive rebellion? I know I should call it something more than rebellion but for lack of a better word and also energy to go and find one, I will leave it at that.
One of the news networks, fox I think, decides that "Suicide Bomber" is not the right word for the Murderous, Fanatical, Obscenity, Obscenity, obscenity, zealots who for one Idiotic, misguided reason or another, strap bombs to themselves and then proceed to kill innocent people who just happen to be in the same place terra as the murdering demons who detonate said bomb. The news network has decided that "Murder Bomber" is a better term. My question is this, rather my first question is this. How can you work in a world of words and not see or sense how stupid that sounds?
"Murder Bomber"? That sounds very, very, very, xxx, xxx, STUPID!
I can understand the concern for terminology. All I have to do is remember what happened with the word "Kamikaze". Kamikaze turned into something to be respected and mis-remembered, is that a word? Mis-remembered? Oh why am I worrying? If Fox or whoever can get away with "Murder Bomber" anything I make up and print is adding to the spirit of the media in the "good" ole US of A.
I can understand at least what the Kamikazes were doing, it made a odd sort of sense, especially from who and where it originated, but Suicide Bombing is not that. Suicide bombing is like deciding that you are in a war with someone, never telling them and then stabbing them as soon as you see them, prefferably before they see you, over and over again. No matter what you call it, Suicide bombing, Murder bombing or my favorite, Camelkaze. Camelkaze just works.
It has the nice little ring to it.
It has just the right amount of Hate, Disdain, Insult and slur to feel great coming out. We need a new "acceptable" Jap. Nip, gook to get us through this with our sanity like it did when we were fighting the "nazi's, vietnamese and Napan . That is why for the life of me I can't figure Obama out. Why the hell would you even entertain the idea of giving these camelkaze's rights like they were American Citizens, they are criminals and prisoneers taken on the field of battle. I hate to join the Rush Limbaugh crowd but on this I do Agree, "America Is Going to Hell On A rocket slide!"
And for the record, the news network who started this "murder bomber" nonsense should be ashamed. Husla3x (super-genius)
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