Monday, February 16, 2009

Hypocrisy and why we Americans love it.

Why are we as American citizen perfectly fine with governmental hypocrisy? We even love it in our everyday lives. Need examples? Here are a few.

We went after Hussein but we also put him in office.

We pay extra on our phone bills for features that cancel out other features we also pay for when we could just keep it minimal and achieve the same goal.

We actually buy into Fat-Free Peanut Butter. There is no fat in Peanuts anyway you morons.

We scoff at beggars but they could be robbers. I would be.

We watched the Government force banks to make bad loans and now are watching as the same government forces them to honor them.

This example is really funny. Who are our closest allies in the Islamic world? Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. There's not a democracy in the bunch.

How can spending more help when we are broke. Idiots. Everyone.

We say that we care about the health, welfare, and education of our children, yet we imprison them in sterile windowless schools and supply them with junk food and caffeine laced soft drinks.

We say that we care about honesty and integrity in government yet we continue to elect persons who whore themselves to the highest bidder when they take office.

This reminds me of my brother who complains constantly about his wife but stays with her for 25 years. We are all morons, idiots and hypocrites. We love to be shat upon it seems.

I am not really a political follower government news hog but how can you not be in today's America?

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