The guide to living and co-existing with the idiot minions. How to survive a category four stupidity storm without losing IQ points. Family and friends included. Politics, economy, family, kids, friends, relationships. If you have an interesting Idiot story send it to us and we will be glad to put it on the idiot blog. We need all the help we can get because the idiots are taking over.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Retired wrestler body slams nursing home roommate causing death.

I live in Wisconsin, Milwaukee to be specific, we have no newspaper to report these things. We actually do have a local rag called the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal that has a "Big City" circulation but as of late they have been perfectly useless in reporting Milwaukee's news. I would call them a "reality" newspaper, something akin to flavor Flav's reality television show. But since or newspaper "the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel" is useless and retarded, i will report this story.
"Police believe that Verne Gagne may have contributed to the January death of Helmut R. Gutmann, who lived with him in the Bloomington living facility, Friendship Village. Gagne and 97-year-old Gutmann, who both suffer from Alzheimer's-related dementia, allegedly got into a fight on Jan. 26 that led to Gutmann's death.
"Gutmann suffered a broken leg and a head injury in the fight. He was hospitalized, then released, but then was re-hospitalized due to complications. Four days ago, Gutmann died."
Gagne, who was drafted by the Chicago Bears in 1947, was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006. Gutmann also lived a pretty amazing life. SOURCE
I can't understand why the Idiots over at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel would not see this as newsworthy in the same state Mr. Gagne was a celebrity in but i thank GOD that i can't understand it because if I could I suspect I would be an Idiot also.
D. Harris
The Only Day Trading Robot designed for Swing Trading.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hypocrisy and why we Americans love it.
Why are we as American citizen perfectly fine with governmental hypocrisy? We even love it in our everyday lives. Need examples? Here are a few.
We went after Hussein but we also put him in office.
We pay extra on our phone bills for features that cancel out other features we also pay for when we could just keep it minimal and achieve the same goal.
We actually buy into Fat-Free Peanut Butter. There is no fat in Peanuts anyway you morons.
We scoff at beggars but they could be robbers. I would be.
We watched the Government force banks to make bad loans and now are watching as the same government forces them to honor them.
This example is really funny. Who are our closest allies in the Islamic world? Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. There's not a democracy in the bunch.
How can spending more help when we are broke. Idiots. Everyone.
We say that we care about the health, welfare, and education of our children, yet we imprison them in sterile windowless schools and supply them with junk food and caffeine laced soft drinks.
We say that we care about honesty and integrity in government yet we continue to elect persons who whore themselves to the highest bidder when they take office.
This reminds me of my brother who complains constantly about his wife but stays with her for 25 years. We are all morons, idiots and hypocrites. We love to be shat upon it seems.
I am not really a political follower government news hog but how can you not be in today's America?
The Only Day trading robot designed for swing traders.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
One Thing I have Never Seen In the Ghetto and I live There.
When i saw this i was Amazed. Not Amazed like a tribesman who first see's a lighter but Amazed none the less. I am 40 and I have never seen one of these ever. If they put that in my neighborhood the bags would be gone forever in less than 5 minutes, that is unless no one came past. But if someone came past in 6 minutes, they would be gone in 6.2. These dog poop bags would be the new packaging for drugs at some time and point in my neighborhood, maybe forever if the city was fool enough to keep putting them out there.

The Trader Robot made exactly for swing traders.
The Trader Robot made exactly for swing traders.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Spend all the money you want, we'll make more.

How the hell can spending more money help the American economy if the government is doing the spending? That is asinine. Why not give us the money and then order us to spend it? That would work so much better and be far easier to boot. I guess once and idiot always an idiot and Washington is ten times an idiot not just once. I knew those $25k toilet seats and hammers would get us one day.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Why can't i get $40 off my cable or direct TV. That's not fair.

Why am i getting punished for not being on welfare? If the government is so intent of getting all up in my business they should at least do it to everyone not just the lower income. Entertainment is no place for the government anyway, i think i deserve a $40 off my cable or direct television bill since it is acting as my DTV box.
Call me petty but it's how i feel about this whole big brother thing.
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Monday, February 2, 2009
Ghetto Neighbors, I heart my crack baby.

How come idiots, true idiots, always find somebody else fault in the things they do? And how come regular people (non-idiots) let em? I ask you this. Who's really the idiot?" Husla3x (super-genius).
If you read my other blog then you have heard me talk about “the house next door” to mine in Milwaukee. You also know that this blog is a spin-off from that blog and this segment. I never really go into details about the individuals that live there mainly because I think its the house not the people i think its haunted by a trifling spirit or something.. I actually really think that my last good neighbors put a curse on the house before they were evicted by the landlord.
The last good neighbors were damn near family our kids grew up together and we were like cousins or something. They were buying the house on a land contract or something and ended up losing it, every since then it has been one noisy, disrespectful, full capacity kidded group of individuals after the next with the exception of very few. I swear people move in every 6 months, by the time you know them they are gone a few times taking a chunk of money from your pockets. I mean it got to the point where we wanted to try and buy the house next door and rent it out our own selves. Hell naw we can't afford it but how much is peace of mind worth? We never bought it because they wanted too much and even if they hadn't we figured out it wasn't a good idea. If we would have bought it our next door neighbors would have just been the people that live with us now and that would have been worst. That would suck to finally get rid of my in-laws and then have them as tenants. They would never pay the rent on time or even close. Somebody would always need an operation or bail or need a grip or else the baby is going to explode. So scratch that bright idea right fast.
The problem with the house is that there always seems to be a single mother of six that doesn't watch her kids correctly. There was even one lady who got mad and stayed mad because some of the neighborhood kids had a bike in her driveway the day she moved in with her 5 kids and 2 grandkids, she was like 34. She stayed mad at us for about 3 months until her needing to borrow a cigarette an hour from the people that are staying with us until they get on their feet. They gotta get feet first so thats strange and hope draining. Anyway that one was hell but the one before her sued us because she wanted to and moved. She actually sued our friendly mutt dog that the whole neighborhood has always played with for years. She got it in her head to say the dog bit her kid and the insurance company settled because it was easier than fighting. She got a little change even though the ambulance and police told the company that the wound was old and not even a bite mark but a scrape or branch mark. I never really understood that whole thing, all I know is she was a “Christian” and she hated dogs. Part of the problem with the house next door is that its Rent Assistance so people who can't afford to pay the $850 rent get to stay in there for like $300. Rent assistance is kind of like house welfare I ain't knocking it because I have always been trying to get it. Hell if it was to come through now I would sell this house to my daddy and rent it from him and clean up. Wouldn't nothing have to change but the title. But that ain't gonna happen so let me go on.
The people that move into the house always seem to be the kind that don't get jobs and need to use your lawn mower. Since I am letting my girl family stay with us and they are the same types “borrowers” we always end up knowing the neighbors better than just to say hi.

And why do drunks always seem to have someone to call? Who the hell are you talking to for 3 hour when you are drunk? I talked to you for 14 seconds and you were slurring so much that you either wanted me to take you to the gas station or the horses got out of the barn, I still don't know which. Anyway pray for your boy because my “guests” have until July 1st to be gone, moved, out on their own. But I don't think its going to happen on schedule because 20 hours after my girl gave them the news her mother (lives with us) got deathly ill. Whats funny is I owe my Auntie $25 because she bet that my girls mom would become deathly ill within days of being told to go. Tell me that ain't hilarious. If it wasn't happening in my life it would be my favorite TV show.
Husla3x (super-genius)
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