When I heard this I almost pee'd my pants... Then I thought about it.
Here's the story in a nutshell:
A year or so before AIDS started spreading the maintenance man at the Smithsonian or space museum, where the rocks are, opened the display case to clean the display and while cleaning it got curious and handled the rock contracting the Aids virus at that time. He supposedly ate his lunch immediately after the incident and caught the virus from licking his fingers (he was eating KFC chicken for lunch/ He took it home with him and passed it on to his wife and his mistress. Well the mistress and the wife had other love interests as did the maintenance man and the story is predictable from there.
No good conspiracy theory is worth its weight unless the Government is involved.
The government of course tried to cover this up again, having succeeded earlier in hiding this since the moon mission. The Government has murdered and schemed to keep the public unaware of the AIDS problem and the fact that it had unintentionally helped to eventually kill mankind. The Government started rumors that it was found in monkeys. The Government tried to blame it on homosexuality. The Government even tried to feed the rumor that GOD was angry at mankind and this was his punishment for our immortality and homosexual ways. That is made funnier by the fact that the Government was the one who started the whole homosexuality and AIDS rumor.
Earlier I said I laughed until I thought... Well apparently the person who figured all this out and connected the dots through their research, diligence and relentless detective work was killed by a hit and run vehicle a few days ago and his wife was suspicious and sent the story, along with the notebooks of his life's work, to the tabloids. This story is predicted (in the theory) to go viral soon...
...As a matter of fact, maybe I am flirting with my own mortality by posting this story? I did a search on Google and not many pages have this theory on it. I don't think it is true but one never knows do one?