Throughout the news this week you will be hearing about some guy with a reverse discrimination lawsuit pending talking about how he as a white guy should not have been fired for using the N-word in a completely understandable context, but this is not why I am writing this post.
The reason I am writing this post is because I can't believe the ignorance that people display concerning this whole fiasco. White people seem to be upset that black people "get" key word, to use the N-word but whenever a white person uses the word their whole life is destroyed. I have a very simple explanation as to why this is the case and ultimately fair and logical, but that still isn't the main reason I wrote this post.
I will try (again) to explain the entire situation from a black perspective and then I will comment on why I felt I needed to use my guest writer status on this blog to bring up this whole messy subject. Here it goes (again).
What whites don't seem to be able to grasp is the fact that black people hardly ever say the N-word, they say an N-word, not THE N-word. White people on the other hand only say THE N-word, at least whenever they get mad or frustrated enough to say it.
What do I mean an N-word vs THE N-word?
When black people use the word nigga, it is not the same or even close to the same thing as the 'er version of the word. If you live in a predominately black area of any city you will hear and see white people using the word nigga with no ill effects to them or to black people in the immediate area. That word is close phonetically but miles and miles away in emotion. Basically one will get you beaten and the other will get you accepted, in fact being able to be white and allowed to use the word nigga means that you are accepted in the black community, in some cases. In other cases it will still cause problems.
I have many white friends who are just as poor as me and living in the same day to day struggle as me who use the word nigga often and feel they have a right to use it, if you can say it you will know it. The problem with most whites and this subject is that they don't have a gauge to even approach understanding the difference. The word nigga has no history beyond the black community, the other has a history of death and destruction at the hands of an oppressive white society all throughout its history. Nigga is new and innocent of much racial hatred, the other only has this and its meaning is harmful, disrespectful and a reminder of the past (haha) excuse me, thoughts of racism.
I hope this helps at least a little bit, if not I will make it even more simple to understand. Don't use either word unless you hear it daily among people who love and/or respect you if you are white. How much more simple can it be. If you want to use this word, either of them, in your daily vocabulary as a white person, chuck your job, your house and all your birthrights and privileges and come on down here to the ghetto and scratch and struggle with us. Then and only then will it be acceptable to gain the privileged of using the N-word regularly.
This may sound harsh but the world where the word nigga is used is a harsh word. And make no mistake even Oprah has used thee word nigga, every black person under 50 has. It is a part of our society and a slap in the face to the original N-word. It is ours and we protect its use with a strength stronger than any copyright could ever provide. So the next time you argue that blacks get to use the N-word whenever they want to and deem it not fair, remember this article and the 2 different N-words in question. Also remember that we took an evil vile word and turned it into an expression of love and respect and refuse to ever let white America have it back.
And finally, The reason I wrote this post today of all days is because I listened to Mark Belling in Milwaukee's radio show and can't believe how ignorant of any other perspective than his he is. He has to be the densest man I have ever witnessed. How the hell does he keep getting a bigger audience? That's the scary part - there are a multitude of like-minded people out there listening to him and rush Limbaugh and hannity and the rest of these dinosaurs. They have to drink and beat their wives...
Husla3x Guest writer and as always (super-genius)