The guide to living and co-existing with the idiot minions. How to survive a category four stupidity storm without losing IQ points. Family and friends included. Politics, economy, family, kids, friends, relationships. If you have an interesting Idiot story send it to us and we will be glad to put it on the idiot blog. We need all the help we can get because the idiots are taking over.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
AIDS virus not made - brought back in moon rocks.
When I heard this I almost pee'd my pants... Then I thought about it.
Here's the story in a nutshell:
A year or so before AIDS started spreading the maintenance man at the Smithsonian or space museum, where the rocks are, opened the display case to clean the display and while cleaning it got curious and handled the rock contracting the Aids virus at that time. He supposedly ate his lunch immediately after the incident and caught the virus from licking his fingers (he was eating KFC chicken for lunch/ He took it home with him and passed it on to his wife and his mistress. Well the mistress and the wife had other love interests as did the maintenance man and the story is predictable from there.
No good conspiracy theory is worth its weight unless the Government is involved.
The government of course tried to cover this up again, having succeeded earlier in hiding this since the moon mission. The Government has murdered and schemed to keep the public unaware of the AIDS problem and the fact that it had unintentionally helped to eventually kill mankind. The Government started rumors that it was found in monkeys. The Government tried to blame it on homosexuality. The Government even tried to feed the rumor that GOD was angry at mankind and this was his punishment for our immortality and homosexual ways. That is made funnier by the fact that the Government was the one who started the whole homosexuality and AIDS rumor.
Earlier I said I laughed until I thought... Well apparently the person who figured all this out and connected the dots through their research, diligence and relentless detective work was killed by a hit and run vehicle a few days ago and his wife was suspicious and sent the story, along with the notebooks of his life's work, to the tabloids. This story is predicted (in the theory) to go viral soon...
...As a matter of fact, maybe I am flirting with my own mortality by posting this story? I did a search on Google and not many pages have this theory on it. I don't think it is true but one never knows do one?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hearing "I love you" The difference between Men and Women
Is it just me or does it seem like women and men hear the exact same things but process them differently?
I am 40 years old and have been with the same woman for almost 30 years and through some sort of astronomical mishap have never won an argument whether I was right or wrong. There have been times where I was completely right but in some sort of cosmic fluke I ended up being the one to apologize and make up first. How the hell do women do that? Make you feel bad for wrong, stupid or crazy things they have done? Whoever made up the rules needs a Pulitzer prize for manipulation.
I remember one time my wife took my car and got it stolen and somehow placed the blame squarely on my shoulders for having the audacity to wash the car the previous day. I of course found this theory insane, and heres the important part, voiced this opinion and got to fight for 40 minutes directly and 14 years indirectly. Her reasoning was that I turned off the Alarm while washing it and never turned it back on. My reasoning was, "How come you didn't press the clicker on the keys when you went in the store, you insane bastid?" Her theory won, we both agreed and I apologized. Not from being sorry, I still felt I was right. I apologized simply because I had learned earlier in life that sooner or later I would need clothes or food or sex or ? and If I didn't lie down for this she more than likely wouldn't later. Women are like fire, the best thing ever but will change everything if you cross it.
I truly think that the act of hearing I love you, means different things to women. To men it means nothing more than the relationship just got trickier and more delicate and it will be a bit harder to do anything you love. To women it seems to mean I won. Now I can roll my sleeves up and really get to work on you.
If that sounds rude or incorrect then you are obviously a woman.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
America has been giving Pakistan it's lunch money.
I write about idiotic things on the regular here on the living with idiots blog but the fact that we have given Pakistan 20 billion dollars over the last 10 years has to fall under idiotic. I mean they are our allies but shoot at our planes, the hid bin Laden for years and our silly politicians want to give them more.
Sounds like Pakistan knows something about America that America doesn't want out in the open, I've seen enough episodes of murder she wrote to recognize a blackmail plot. Not to mention that the Government killed the biggest intelligence source of the century (Bin Laden) even though they easily could have captured him. He was unarmed, on dialysis and in pajamas. Somethings not adding up. Sorry I wasn't funny today but this is no laughing matter. And I never do Political stuff here but come on.
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Sounds like Pakistan knows something about America that America doesn't want out in the open, I've seen enough episodes of murder she wrote to recognize a blackmail plot. Not to mention that the Government killed the biggest intelligence source of the century (Bin Laden) even though they easily could have captured him. He was unarmed, on dialysis and in pajamas. Somethings not adding up. Sorry I wasn't funny today but this is no laughing matter. And I never do Political stuff here but come on.
Best trading resource on earth
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Are we really that stupid: Ghetto America 101.
This post came into my mind 3 weeks into trying to find a suitable small car to save on gas because my truck averages $25 a day in fuel.
I was on the phone talking to them about my situation, they were buying a car also. I was explaining why I still haven't bought a car yet and I was explaining that the market was short on small cars because everyone was broke. He never really understood my points because he was looking for a SUV, an SUV like every other person I know who got tax money back. he was telling me about the deal he was getting on his SUV and how he could not wait for them to call and tell him his was ready. Even after me telling him how much my truck burned up in gas a day. I don't know what to say or think about the situation. He thinks I am dumb to spend my money a small car that no one would want when I could use that same money to buy something nice and "pimpish" is the word he used.
Why am I the only black person I know who understands that I will be making money by spending my money on a smaller car? The math is simple:
$25 a day x 30 days = $750
$10 a day x 30 days = $300
So every month driving the smaller car to work saves me $450 - and that is going to go up as gas prices do, and they will. But nevertheless every time someone in the hood buys a car it is a gas guzzler or a truck. I plan on saving $5000+ this year simply by using my brain and not caring what people think. Makes perfect sense to me, why am I the only one?
I don't want to call my people idiots but that is sure an idiotic move. And that is but one thing in a multitude of things that we seem to naturally do Bass-Ackwards. I never got the whole we are poor so lets buy the most expensive everything and then complain when our cable or lights or phones gets shut off, thing. Either way, I can't change it so I will make my life better by letting my transportation bill pay for my lights and cable and phone.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
USA - U Soft A-holes.
This won't be a long post but it had to be written.
The united states of George Washington is dead. The new founding fathers of this new more sensitive America are Alan alda, Jerry springer, and the National Pro sports industry and I will explain why.
Alan Alda brought about almost single-handedly the whole sensitive men revolution that has had the effect of turning men into housewives who end up kissing each other and crying over more than old yella.
Jerry springer brought about the whole "now everyone under 18 is gay" era that has turned all our most beloved American hero, the cowboy, into a pansy who cries in the blankets by the camp fire instead of singing western songs. Broke back mountain is almost as bad a mental image as the "artwork" made of poo depicting the savior Jesus Christ.
The National Pro sports Industry, because they are supposed to be the best of the best and the supreme examples of human prowess and strength and now they are afraid like little girls to play in cold weather.
America is going soft and I don't see it going back to how it was. Homosexuality should not be a choice, at least that is what I was led to believe when the whole gay equality thing was going on a few years back.
We even have a crybaby politician in the news this week. OMG!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Black White N-word Controversy made Simple.
Throughout the news this week you will be hearing about some guy with a reverse discrimination lawsuit pending talking about how he as a white guy should not have been fired for using the N-word in a completely understandable context, but this is not why I am writing this post.
The reason I am writing this post is because I can't believe the ignorance that people display concerning this whole fiasco. White people seem to be upset that black people "get" key word, to use the N-word but whenever a white person uses the word their whole life is destroyed. I have a very simple explanation as to why this is the case and ultimately fair and logical, but that still isn't the main reason I wrote this post.
I will try (again) to explain the entire situation from a black perspective and then I will comment on why I felt I needed to use my guest writer status on this blog to bring up this whole messy subject. Here it goes (again).
What whites don't seem to be able to grasp is the fact that black people hardly ever say the N-word, they say an N-word, not THE N-word. White people on the other hand only say THE N-word, at least whenever they get mad or frustrated enough to say it.
What do I mean an N-word vs THE N-word?
When black people use the word nigga, it is not the same or even close to the same thing as the 'er version of the word. If you live in a predominately black area of any city you will hear and see white people using the word nigga with no ill effects to them or to black people in the immediate area. That word is close phonetically but miles and miles away in emotion. Basically one will get you beaten and the other will get you accepted, in fact being able to be white and allowed to use the word nigga means that you are accepted in the black community, in some cases. In other cases it will still cause problems.
I have many white friends who are just as poor as me and living in the same day to day struggle as me who use the word nigga often and feel they have a right to use it, if you can say it you will know it. The problem with most whites and this subject is that they don't have a gauge to even approach understanding the difference. The word nigga has no history beyond the black community, the other has a history of death and destruction at the hands of an oppressive white society all throughout its history. Nigga is new and innocent of much racial hatred, the other only has this and its meaning is harmful, disrespectful and a reminder of the past (haha) excuse me, thoughts of racism.
I hope this helps at least a little bit, if not I will make it even more simple to understand. Don't use either word unless you hear it daily among people who love and/or respect you if you are white. How much more simple can it be. If you want to use this word, either of them, in your daily vocabulary as a white person, chuck your job, your house and all your birthrights and privileges and come on down here to the ghetto and scratch and struggle with us. Then and only then will it be acceptable to gain the privileged of using the N-word regularly.
This may sound harsh but the world where the word nigga is used is a harsh word. And make no mistake even Oprah has used thee word nigga, every black person under 50 has. It is a part of our society and a slap in the face to the original N-word. It is ours and we protect its use with a strength stronger than any copyright could ever provide. So the next time you argue that blacks get to use the N-word whenever they want to and deem it not fair, remember this article and the 2 different N-words in question. Also remember that we took an evil vile word and turned it into an expression of love and respect and refuse to ever let white America have it back.
And finally, The reason I wrote this post today of all days is because I listened to Mark Belling in Milwaukee's radio show and can't believe how ignorant of any other perspective than his he is. He has to be the densest man I have ever witnessed. How the hell does he keep getting a bigger audience? That's the scary part - there are a multitude of like-minded people out there listening to him and rush Limbaugh and hannity and the rest of these dinosaurs. They have to drink and beat their wives...
Husla3x Guest writer and as always (super-genius)
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