Anyone with a television knows that criminals often times run for the border.
Anyone who has ever watched a thriller movie or watched a crime show in their live knows that criminals who live a good distance from the crime scene is likely, highly likely to head for a transportation provider to get back home or away.
So my question is this, How in the name of all that is holy did Homeland security allow a terrorist suspect known to authorities and homeland security buy a ticket, get through security and board a plane even after his name was on every list mandated by them, using that name none the less?
I am a poor black man from the ghetto of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I can't even rent a DVD or get pulled over by the police without my name popping up on a "apprehend" list for child support for me and my 30 year relationship wife's children for failure to pay child support for children who have lived with me all of their lives.
The can immediately recognize me as a person of interest but can't catch a known terrorist running around still using his real name. Maybe they should require that all terrorists they really want to catch should be accurately described bit also classified as black (we have many shaded) and owing the city money for tickets of child support. Seems like that would be a very productive little white lie, they lie so much anyway that should be absolutely no problem making so.
So here is my plan/idea to help homeland security catch more criminals like the New York bomber.
Mandate that all highly wanted criminals and terrorists be described as black and owing municipal fines. Works every-time. They always get their man.