Women are natural born haters.
I know that is a big statement and some woman somewhere will send me an email with a picture of a stand alone cut off penis but... It's true. Women hate women.
So with that said I set out on a mission to find out why. I polled every woman I could find, on the subway, at the gym, walking sown the street and even lying naked in my bed, as to why woman hate women. I wanted to know if what I have observed my entire life was as universal as my life-long perceptions made it appear to be. Do women really not like other women and if so, why?
The answer I got most when asking this question of the women i molested with it on the streets of my fair city was this...
Top 10 Reasons Women Hate Women.
1. Women feel that other women can not be trusted.
2. Women gossip too much
3. Women start problems when bored
4. Women need to control every situation because they are all narcissistic to some (allot)
4. Women are phony
5. Women are trecherous
6. Women are Sneaky
7. Women will take your man
"Another woman would take your man and could give a crap that you love him or he has a family, she needs someone to fix her car, house, carry her bags, buy her things, etc. Never trust another woman too much with your man."
The above is an actual quote.
8. Women are too vindictive.
"I have a friend that would call her husbands new wife and say things just to get her mad at him so they would fight. Then she would come up with an excuse, kids, money, whatever to get him so see or talk to her and boost his ego. After a while she seduced him and set it up so the new wife would catch them. That's scandalous!
9. Women Lie
10.Women hate to see other women happy or when other women have something that they desire and can't have.
Don't send me emails about this post they are not my words, they were taken from random women in my city. I asked dozens of women the same question, Why do you think women do not like other women or out and out hate them?" I was never corrected and every woman had at least a partial answer after they told me that they don;t feel that way, but they all had at least one reason to add to my list.
D. Harris