I admit that I am but a *ghetto-suburb dwelling, lower income segregated life experienced black newly middle-aged bottom-tierd Milwaukee Wisconsin Blogger who isn't the most knowledgeable political analyst even on my block in the ghetto-suburbs of Milwaukee, but even I know that trying a terrorist suspect in an Urban setting is wrong on at least 2 very basic levels.
1. Why are we having civilian court trials for Military prisoners?
What the hell would make the supposedly smartest "socially" individuals in the country become so much more bigger idiots than usual and allow this to happen? Why isn't the President squashing this? Do you understand what type of world class high level enemies a big time Military accused terrorist prisoner would be aware watching and scheming on a criminal trial like this? There is no safe place to hold a trial like that other than a military base, that's the reason it should have stayed there.
2. Why would you subject innocent civilians to the off the charts danger potential of a fiasco like this?
I have told you who I am and maybe I missed a step that the privileged of the country are aware of. Maybe it makes perfect sense and I am just not knowledgable enough about the workings of the government to understand. Could be, but I know WAR like nobody reading this that isn't active in the ghetto street life or Actual War past or present. WAR is WAR and in WAR you look for weaknesses to exploit and the exploit them, each and everytime you can. Idiot washington, and the President in this, have to know that that trial will become a HUGE target at the time of the trial.
I am not saying that terrorists will attack the trial, I am saying that this trial would be a perfect 2nd attack for every possible reason imaginable. I could name millions but I will make it easy on myself and you by say ALL - All the reasons. Opportunity, desire to win, human nature, revenge, agenda all of them. I have seen retaliation all my life and when you are at war with another Person(s) you get them when the opportunity arises to save you and yours. Even on that bottom of the chain level it works. The WAR is a much higher level.
You have to see that Idiot Politicians.
Writers Rant: And then to get a trial you have to have the right to a trial. They gave terrorist, civilian rights. How idiot can you be? I mean coming from my place and experience in life I feel I just barely almost got those rights, and I ain't blowed up jack. But enough with that equality bit - after all the president is black. I as a black man in America can not wrap my head around that the most. How could he even defend this?
You have to have seen at least one cowboy movie where the sheriff arrests the gang leader and the members of his little gang shootup the town and citizens to get him back and they are no more than 5-10-20 the terrorists have millions. How can you secure a building in New york from terrorists who don't even want to survive? You would need to move the court to the middle of the dessert or the middle of an Army base..... AHA!!! Thats why it should be prosecuted by the Military.
And the towers were the biggest most difficult targets to get to, at least in the minds of the enemy. If you were them how hard would you see a small regular sized building in the heart of a packed urban area. They don't even have to rescue the guy all they have to do is strike at the building to shake up America.
If I was the leader of the terrorists, I sure as hell would send a few of my followers to to paradise just for the publicity. And attempt is as good as any other attempt, they don't even have to succeed to succeed. 1 middle eastern man with a gun in the courtroom hallway will make the news all month and the country will feel threatened anew. Yea I would do it. But I would do it big so I could get a bigger return for my bang. Get it, bang? I would for sure do it if the place i had to do it was not a military base full of trained soldiers. This has to be one of the most Idiot things I have ever seen or heard.
Husla3x (super-genius) My Blog
*Ghetto Suburb: The area surrounding the worst areas of any ghetto in America